LinkedIn 100 Days

My posts on LinkedIn between Nov. 14, 2024 and Feb. 21, 2025

LinkedIn 100 Days

My posts on LinkedIn between Nov. 14, 2024 and Feb. 21, 2025

LinkedIn 100 Days

My posts on LinkedIn between Nov. 14, 2024 and Feb. 21, 2025

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1. "I am done applying to jobs."

2. "Don’t talk about your job hunt."

3. "Don’t let people tell you you need a technical cofounder to start your company."

4. "They’re showing movies before noon now?!"

5. "Language learning is broken."

6. "I’m under contract…Is anyone familiar with the space who I could talk to for advice?"

7. "Know thyself."

8. "15 months"

9. "Television is dead."

10. "As of my knowledge cutoff, OpenAI does not offer a text-to-speech API."

11. "With AI, anyone can be a coder now."

12. "It is better to be loved by 1 out of 100 than be liked by all 100."

13. "The excel guru can’t do strategy."
"The math whiz will never be good at sales."
"The star individual contributor shouldn’t lead a team."

14. "You know pricing, right?"

15. "Happy Thanksgiving!"

16. "Shops are closed today?!"

17. "How do I make a GIF?"

18. "An em dash means an AI wrote it."

19. "Does it include deployment?"

20. "No wonder Anna was so good at karaoke."

21. "We’ll file as a corporation in Delaware…"

22. "I guess it’s official now."

23. "You do not have to file!"

24. "Improving PNG resolution in PowerPoint"

25. "I really like your product, can I invest?"

26. "Why don’t direct reports interview candidates for their future boss?"

27. "Regulate it, and they will come."

28. "You lookin’ at me?"

29. "...members may want to cancel their subscriptions."

30. "AI isn’t just a tool—it’s your second mind."

31. "Product Sense is a skill."

32. "You really need to do something about YouTube."

33. "Out of curiosity, why do you use this instead of Calendly?"

34. "Don’t make your users pay for your technical debt."

35. "Once you go QWERTZ you never go back."

36. "When’s the right time to obsess over pricing?"

37. "AI scaling laws are a far cry from Moore's law"

38. "Email is broken."

39. "Specialists get stuck when industries evolve. Generalists just learn the next hot new skill and thrive."

40. "Where are the balloons?"

41. "’Twas the night before…"

42. "Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah!"

43. "Amazing—only a 2x P/E multiple!"

44. "Notice of service closure."

45. "Todoist, ClickUp,, Notion… So many tools, so little time."

46. "Remote work doesn’t make you productive or lazy—it just makes you more of what you already are."

47. "9-to-5 jobs are going to die."

48. "A Business OS for Solopreneurs."

49. "¡Feliz Año Nuevo!"

50. "Why kill innovation when we need it most?"

51. "Does your business have a KPI worth obsessing over?"

52. "Net neutrality is dead—long live the internet."

53. "Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better." (Part 1 of 2)

54. "Simplicity is a great virtue but it requires hard work to achieve it and education to appreciate it. And to make matters worse: complexity sells better." (Part 2 of 2)

55. "If there is one thing about your company that you could change, what would it be?"

56. "A CFO should have a CPA."

57. "New car smell, old car vibes?"

58. "Meta eliminates DEI programs."

59. "One day we will have a pocket-sized device with access to all of the world's knowledge, and we will use it to look at cat videos."

60. "Do you want to dumb down your general ledger, or make it smart?"

61. "Turbify’s limitation of only allowing a single A record with an @ source is highly problematic and goes against standard DNS practices."

62. "How often do you see a business running both HubSpot and Salesforce?"

63. "AI coding: the YouTube moment for software?"

64. "I’ll connect you to the best people."

65. "Should I write more about Boardy or just let it go?"

66. "…it won’t happen anytime soon: replacement by computers is a worry for the 22nd century."

67. "When puns get lost in the beer aisle."

68. "They said broetry was dead"

69. "So is the job market really that bad? Isn’t the unemployment rate ok?"

70. "Trump’s meme coins: when free markets don’t feel free."

71. "I didn't even know you could do so much of this."

72. "DeepSeek just flipped the script on AI—and everyone should take notice."

73. "Could a new programming language survive in an AI-driven world?"

74. "Operator? Yes, I would like to do something online."

75. "Don’t underprice your services."

76. "Turns out the moat isn’t where we thought it was."

77. "Pessimists sound smart, optimists make money."

78. "What does college look like in twenty years?"

79. "I think I found my new favorite browser…"

80. "You should make a carousel."

81. "The venture capital reset is coming."

82. "Oh c’mon…really?!?"

83. "Networking isn’t about knowing more people—it’s about knowing the right people."

84. "Your brain is for thinking, not for storage."

85. "What matters more: the company or the boss?"

86. "Funds are fungible."

87. "What does this even mean?"

88. "You don’t have to outspend them. You just have to outsmart them."

89. "You can’t run the books if you can’t see the numbers."

90. "Your shortcut to everything."

91. "Just might as well do a zero effort repost because the algo makes it so basically no one reads my daily posts."

92. "Another repost…"

93. "Sell me this stapler."

94. "Getting started shouldn’t be the hardest part."

95. "The more you know, the less AI knows."

96. "Wow, not even the AI knows, eh?"

97. "Oh my god, were you in a car accident?"

98. "I have officially lost it but whatever."

99. "What should I be when I grow up, daddy?"

  1. "I wrote on LinkedIn for 100 days so you don’t have to."